Clear indicators that rugs require deep cleaning

To protect your investment and ensure it looks its best, deep cleaning your luxury rug is advised annually. Understandably, it’s easy to lose track of the time, but there are some tell-tale signs that your yearly clean is overdue. Read on for signs to spot.

Surface dirt and stains

If you can visibly see that your rug is soiled, imagine the dirt accumulated deep within its fibres? Stains allowed to stay are harder to remove, so act fast for successful removal. Book your rug in for a professional clean as soon as you can; stain removal is often included free as part of the service.


Spilled food, drink and pet accidents can seep into rug fibres even when you attend to them instantly. Over time, bacteria forms and rugs can start to smell, creating unpleasant atmospheres. Dank rooms can see expensive rugs absorb moisture creating damp and musty smells. A deep clean can extract unwanted odours and includes a bacteria-killing treatment.


Dust mites, pollen and other allergens become embedded in rugs, so if members of your household are experiencing symptoms like coughs, sneezing or watery eyes and noses, a deep clean is the answer.

If you need rug cleaning in Essex, we can help. Get in touch with our team of experts at the Rug Cleaning Studio and tell us about your treasured rug. With experience cleaning high-value rugs of every style, you can trust us for a deep clean that returns your rug refreshed and ready for another year. We’re also available when you need urgent assistance with a spill or stain, so reach out to us today.


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