Why your luxury rug smells and how to fix it

Luxury rugs made from wool and other natural fibres make attractive adornments for your home. However, over time and with use, the appearance of rugs can suffer when they become stained or dirty. While this can visually impact your enjoyment of the rug, there are other problems that can’t be seen.

If your rug starts to smell, it can create an unpleasant atmosphere in the room where it sees use. You might have tried vacuuming it and even trying to wash it yourself, but the unwanted odour lingers on or might even get worse. Read on to understand why and find a fix.

What is making your luxury rug smell?

From Persian to Oriental, luxury rugs made of natural fibres can pick up smells. Many are crafted from wool, which is highly absorbent, while others have thick piles. In either case, it can result in rugs retaining odours. Smoke residue, dust and dirt can become embedded in the yarns of rugs, but so can spilled drinks and pet accidents that involve urine or vomit. Even when cleaned up quickly, liquids can quickly soak deep into fibres, creating an unpleasant scent due to the bacteria in them.

How to neutralise rug odours

While vacuuming can deal with daily surface dust, deeper cleaning is required to give rugs their fresh smell back. Non-professional attempts to wash luxury rugs can reactivate bacteria-related odours, amplifying instead of eliminating them.

At Rug Cleaning Studio, we use a combination of deep cleaning techniques and bacteria-killing treatments to eradicate any unwanted smells. For professional rug cleaning in Essex, contact us today.


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